
I'm developing Town of Galucca from wasteland to a thriving city. On this blog you can join the journey through 200 years. I'll post weekly on the progress, but you will mostly learn about the progress through the stories of local residents. I think there might be 5 generations to go, let's find out! :)

This is a spin-off blog from my Greench Farm legacy.

All my stories (and more) are now gathered from my new blog, Simmerville's Sims.

12. juli 2014

The Malone family at 17 Gal Road

We've already stopped by at 3 of the 5 households that I'm focusing on in the remaining Galucca development updates, making sure to present various regions of this world. We recently visited the noble family at Pettonta Castle, the Seylouse family at Pettonta Heights, Fogdale family at Lower Farmland, aka "the Dump".

2 more to go, and today we'll visit the Malones!

[Year count: 127] The Malone family lives as far south as you get in Sunny Field, which is the southern third of Gal District. Gal District is pretty mixed, home to the poor worker families up north, crafter families half way down Gal River, and the warm and sunny region near the coast called Sunny Field.

The Malone house is in front on the above picture, and you see the river, the new, green bridge, the Monastery, the beaches and Galucca Town in the distance. In case you wonder, the Seagull Cottage (to become Bed & Breakfast) is located far in the distance, under the City label.

The Malones settled here long ago, and the current owner's parents, Agnes (Sculler) & Stepp Malone, both died long ago. Everet has 2 older sisters, but none of them were interested in running this farm-like lot.

This sunny region is good for growing grapes, but in addition to a few grapes and apples, the Malones specialized in growing flowers and other plants for sale. Most plants on community lots were produced here.

The house is pretty tiny, although Everet Malone is both wealthy and successful. The savings allow them to keep on growing plants, even if the business is a bit up and down.

Side note: this is one of the few houses built with the Blueprint tool. It takes me less time to build a house from scratch, so I didn't really use the tool again.

Everet Malone is a young adult, he's got star quality but hates art, so maybe he suits producing flowers instead of acting, bringing out dramatic colours or softer arrangements. He loves running this place, the only failure was inheriting his dad's old horse. Everet is clever, and doesn't hesitate to ask the Town Council for financial contributions whenever business gets tough.

This morning, Everet's wife, Ursa, gave birth to their 2nd son. The toddler boy is Syrup, named so by Ursa because he was such a sweet baby. So, with both Syrup and Steven as soon-to-be assistants, the future of the flower production looks promising.

The flower production takes place in their greenhouse. They grow all kinds, and we'll just pretend that there are more plants in there than those you can see on the pictures ;-). The business is well established. :cheeky:

Both Ursa and Everet work in the greenhouse as needed. Everet also serves the Malone Flower Market in Old Town, and days are quite busy.

They are very much in love, even after 2 kids. Not sure if flowers would be the best surprise gift for a woman working with plants all day, but it's the best gift Everet can think of, and Ursa knows that. She comes from a rather poor family that moved to the upper Gal District (Maurice Creek) some time ago. Her folks live up there as the Swims family. Ursa never really fancied plants, and she dreams about moving into one of the new flats in Galucca City. She knows she was lucky to meet Everet, and she loves family life, so maybe running this business isn't too bad after all.

The City region is under construction, although several flats and businesses are ready. I really enjoyed organizing the high rise builds, and shortly someone will give you a tour of this new and modern part of Galucca, but not today. Everet is on his way to the Flower Market.

He has ordered a car, they can afford it, and it will make it so much easier bringing plants to town.

Sallith Gnomes often stops by to ask for wasted stuff. If there are broken pots, she will bring the pieces back home. Although Everet knows that poor Gnomes family lives up north in the Dump, he has no idea why she would collect those pieces.

The Flower Market is rarely ever packed with customers, but being located between the harbour and the Church of Similus, many locals walk by during the day. And some might stop to buy something.

Back home Ursa helped Syrup to check on their old horse, Quicksilver. The horse originally came from the Spangler Ranch that is located near by. Syrup is obsessed with the big animal, and Ursa hates to think of the day when the old horse will no longer be around. Hopefully the boys will grow old enough to understand, and no explaining will be needed.

Ursa and Everet might be very different, both by looks and interests, but they always find time for a good laugh, and they both care a lot for their sons. Typically, Everet will share some gossips from the Flower Market - Countess Maria cutting her finger on a cactus, or retired priest Edmondius Dipperwell buying a plant called Devil's Tongue. If Ursa visited the beach during the day, she might have seen a Monk swimming wearing his robe, or elderly Camille Kragger from Moon District sunbathing topless! :)

We'll stop by again in about 10 years. Next update will be from the Moon District!

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