
I'm developing Town of Galucca from wasteland to a thriving city. On this blog you can join the journey through 200 years. I'll post weekly on the progress, but you will mostly learn about the progress through the stories of local residents. I think there might be 5 generations to go, let's find out! :)

This is a spin-off blog from my Greench Farm legacy.

All my stories (and more) are now gathered from my new blog, Simmerville's Sims.

7. juli 2014

Pettontas visiting Ucca Island

[Year count: 122] It's finally time to stop by again at Pettonta Castle! There are rumours the recently wedded couple, Baron Junato and Baroness Constance, had a son! (making Countess Maria a granny!)

The overview picture ain't brand new, but it shows the castle *and* the Ucca Island out there, so that will do!

Baron Junato is often reading in the castle library. It's a weird library, not really been modernized since the castle was built. Junato is well prepared to become the next Count of Galucca, but his old Father, Count Gustavian, has not yet stepped down.

Some says it's the evil Countess Maria who clings to her title for as long as possible. She knows that the day Gustavian steps down, she will have to step down, too. Here she is alone in the Blue Room, where the lead persons of the household hold their daily strategy meetings. The darker blue chair is reserved the head of Countship, nobody but the Count should sit there...

Little Gustav is such a heartbreaker! He likes to play on the huge floor of the Butterfly Room. If he lives long enough, he will probably be the Count at the time when Cathrina & Alexander arrive Galucca - in our time.

Oh, oh, Maria, what are you doing alone in the blue room!?

Countess Maria suspects that Count Gustavian might be the father of the cook's son, Christopher. The cook, Patricia Sculler, claimed that the now dead painter Emanuel Litter is the boy's dad. Maria made sure that the old painter was photographed (while he still was able to walk), to secure proof. Now she thinks it's time to compare Christopher and the old man on the photo.

But, Maria can't decide, and she can't be sure. Christopher is blond, which also the old painter was. But Gustavian's mother, late Countess Rosanne, was also blond...

A little later Maria and Gustavian have left home to visit their daughter Lady Ronda. When she was still just a teenager, they had promised Ronda to the son of Admiral Turmington who resided near the old fortress at Ucca Island. Now Ronda lives out there with her little family.

The first picture above is taken from the Galucca harbour, and Ucca Island is out there. A little boat connects the island to the town. Subway stations have been built but the tunnel still takes in too much seawater to be used - oh, those hopeless engineers!

Another overview, looking back at the town. The old fortress was built long ago, but lately it was partly torn down, and the stone have bee used elsewhere. Instead there is a Military Base next to Seylouse Industries, Inc.

On Ucca Island there are 5 lots, currently just the Turmington house as well as a small fisher lodge. It's a lovely, idyllic place, I'll show more from the islands later.

It seems Maria already longs back home... The Turmington house isn't very big, because there can be strong winds, the building was kept pretty low in the terrain. It contains just 3 spacious bedrooms, living room and a big kitchen. The tower was always used for the kids' bedroom.

Lady Ronda married Cornelius Turmington few years ago, and his parents moved into town. This far Ronda had just one son, Gust. Ronda never wanted this marriage, but a well raised daughter of the time knew it was her duty marrying into another wealthy family. Cornelius is a good guy, but the couple was never in love. It had been tough on Gustavian seeing his daughter leaving the castle, there had always been a strong tie between them.

So, Count Gustavian had commanded yellow trees to be planted in a line between Pettonta Castle and the Turnington house at Ucca Island. Of course he would have preferred blue leaved trees, after all blue is the Pettontas' signature colour. But somehow yellow was easier...

Back at the castle, Baron Junato knows that the time for him to carry the Countship ring will soon be here... his Father is nearly 100 years old. Then Junato and Constance will become Count and Countess, and little Gustav will finally be titled Baron. And whoever is on his or her way, because Constance is pregnant again!

Next update will be from the Lower Farmland...

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