
I'm developing Town of Galucca from wasteland to a thriving city. On this blog you can join the journey through 200 years. I'll post weekly on the progress, but you will mostly learn about the progress through the stories of local residents. I think there might be 5 generations to go, let's find out! :)

This is a spin-off blog from my Greench Farm legacy.

All my stories (and more) are now gathered from my new blog, Simmerville's Sims.

22. juni 2014

The Monastery of Similius

[Year count 115] I've messed up a little with the exact time frame lately, a few events not yet presented already took place a few simdays/years ago. But hey-ho... Time is relative :)

Shortly after the big catastrophe, the old bridge crossing Gal River fell down. A new bridge was built farther down the river, actually changing some of the community structures.

The poor worker families residing Maurice Creek (the upper Gal District), used to have an effective route to old town, are now pretty much cut off, as the main route was moved farther south. Which again made for the Wooming family to expand the Science Soil Facilities (now that the facilities is actually on a dead road), and land values of Sunny Field (southern Gal district) increased now that grapes production and nectar making became more lucrative with a shorter route to old town. Bare in mind that very few families had cars yet, making distances a bigger issue.

But let's stop by at the Monastery of Similius!

In the past you learned about the Church of Similius. But there was already an old monastery in the beach area, long before Priest Edmondius Dipperwell arrived Galucca and built a church next to the old cemetery in Old Town.

Nobody knows the exact foundation of the first monastery, and fact is, it no longer exists! Church of Similus convinced the few monks to build the new Monastery of Similius.

Stones from the old monastery was reused, when a new structure was built right beside the old one. Only two monks were still around, elderly Nestor Hupert Glinch and monk Cliff Honkerlane. Two more monks have joined by now.

Monastery of Similius are now dedicated to the same beliefs as Church of Similius, it's all about appreciating the good things in life, staying in the green, but not demanding much more. The monastery has a Nestor, who is the boss of the house. It will normally be the eldest person. In addition, the monastery will be responsible to train the next Priest of Church of Similius. So, Edmondius Dipperwell's oldest son, Nikodemus Dipperwell, has joined the monastery, and will reside here until it's time for him to replace his father as the head of Church of Similius.

On the right side picture above, the Nestor is tending the holy grave. They moved 2 old graves to the new lot, and the left one has turned green over the years, making them believe it is a holy sign, relating to the green colour of Similius.

I think Hupert Glinch is a good person, but I don't know any of his secrets.

Here's a better picture of the lot:

It's pretty tiny, and upstairs there are just 3 small bedrooms with 2 beds in each. Upstairs there is also a library. Downstairs is Nestor's office, and the all room, where they all cook and eat.

There are no strict rules, they all help with whatever needs some attention. Maybe the Nestor and the Priest-to-be spend more time studying and meditating than to do chores, that's why it's good there are normally a few regular monks around to handle the daily stuff.

Nikodemus Dipperwell, the Priest-to-be, do help in the garden. He needs to build skills that helps him understand the mystery of the green bars. They eat food from the garden, no electricity involved. They buy bread from Heisserclump Bakery, in Old Town.

Here they all are gathered for a meal. To the left, Nikodemus Dipperwell. Then monks Rallo Plisterwood (he recently escaped from a ship from faraway, to join the Monastery), monk Cliff Honkerlane, and to the right, Nestor Hupert Glinch.

Not so sure that Nikodemus Dipperwell likes it here, but he is still just a fresh young adult.

At most nights, the monks gather outside to discuss what they learned during the day. Or they might all gather upstairs to read or play chess.

Nestor Hupert Glinch brought a special nectar recipe from the old convent. The monks grow just one sort of grapes, the Gralladina Fran, and each week two monks will visit the Old Mill Nectary to produce their nectar. They will also bring the secret ingredient, based on Death Flower and Life Fruit, that Nestor Hupert Glinch has secretly prepared in his locked office. Only the Nestor knows where those plants grow. Death and Life are important contrasts in this belief - represented by the red and green bars, of course!

Ha ha, on the last picture of the nectary, I actually spent time to teleport and position two monks entering the building, but now I see they are covered by the text. So much for getting it all right :)

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