
I'm developing Town of Galucca from wasteland to a thriving city. On this blog you can join the journey through 200 years. I'll post weekly on the progress, but you will mostly learn about the progress through the stories of local residents. I think there might be 5 generations to go, let's find out! :)

This is a spin-off blog from my Greench Farm legacy.

All my stories (and more) are now gathered from my new blog, Simmerville's Sims.

13. juni 2014

Suzi's Heaven

[year count 115] So, let's forget about all those problems and stop by at a couple old town establishments. There are a few waterholes, very simple stuff yet, but I wanted to take you all there while it's still primitive, and perhaps we'll stop by again later to see the place changing.

Although the Galucca development has reached year count 115, I'm still pretty much stuck with long skirts and rather conservative clothing. You might recall Camille Kragger, the new woman at Moon District who turned down old traditions like tying up your hair to show that you were married, or cover your arms and chest with thick, woven textiles. She was the first woman in Galucca with a short haircut. Now, things should be loosing up a bit fashion wise, and I can't wait to allow more variety in clothing.

Anyways, let's visit a rather new social spot, Suzi's Heaven! This is a pub founded by a new resident, Suzi Baruba. She is a widow, and her only child, an adult son, decided not to move with her to Galucca. Nice son, not!

Suzi is nice though, I think she might even own one of those old Gramophones. But she is also business minded, not giving them everything at once. Ehem.

Suzi works here every night except Sundays. She wouldn't mind seeing her happy (and some sad) guests all nights of the week, but as soon as she opened the place, Father Dipperwell from the Church of Similius stopped by to make her think twice. Drinking too much nectar might make all needs green for a while, but then - all red-red-red! And Suzy had to agree. Besides, closing one day every week, would make her guests miss their Suzi's Heaven! She knew that Mondays were normally very busy!

This Friday, the two women from Moon District had finally showed up again. Nobody had seen them since before the catastrophe. Luphelia Moonster and Camille Kragger. Suzi knew they were involved with the MSW, but as long as they bought their nectar, Suzi never bothered anyone by digging into their business. - Stay nice here at Heaven, and I'll leave your thoughts alone!

Oh, the drunk, seated guy in the background... isn't that Rufus Hydront, the farmer who should try to build a better life with farming instead of nectar and crimes? Hm. Better luck in your next life, man!

The great thing about Suzi's Heaven, is that it attracts both snobs as well as the poor workers. Suzi could easily tell when a guest arrived, whether they would be good for her business, or if they would just hang in the room for a few hours. But as long as there was room for them, Suzi never forced anyone to buy a drink. Well, almost never.

Only Saturdays provided music and dancing. Suzi knew the locals needed more amusement in their lives! Not just work-work-work.

But Suzi and Reality is no way related. Most locals need to get early up in the morning, working 6 days a week. So, Suzi blinks the lights right after midnight. She has a plan - if she closes this early all week, she can make more noise on Saturdays without getting complaints from the town council. Again.

A few pics from another social spot, Chez Ludmilla, to be posted next, probably together with a mix of various stuff.

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