
I'm developing Town of Galucca from wasteland to a thriving city. On this blog you can join the journey through 200 years. I'll post weekly on the progress, but you will mostly learn about the progress through the stories of local residents. I think there might be 5 generations to go, let's find out! :)

This is a spin-off blog from my Greench Farm legacy.

All my stories (and more) are now gathered from my new blog, Simmerville's Sims.

7. juni 2014

Inspecting damages

[Year count: 110]  Need to push this story, or I won't reach the starting point of the actual story, Seagull Cottage Bed & Breakfast, in years. You might not know that many of the Galucca events will tie in with the separate Seagull Cottage story (blog not operative yet).

This update is a quick summing up the damages caused by the catastrophe.

After the night that filled the Farmland with dark smoke, it rained for days. Perhaps that was a good thing, because the smoke obviously was polluted, and now the rain washed most of its particles off the ground, into the water. And the water was already stinky, so... well... no good at all...

In the morning, a small delegation rode into the lower farmland to inspect the damages. Count Gustavian Pettonta of Galucca, Baron Junato Pettonta, and Industry owner Jim Garton.

This far nobody knew what had started it all. The huge volcano could obviously be involved, even if it never erupted.

Most buildings were fine, some broken windows or a ripped off door. But nothing serious that could not be repaired. The factories seemed pretty fine, too. Both Count Gustavian and Jim Garton knew that the tall chimneys should be checked before production was restored, but they also knew that it would halt the business, and that production was more important than anything.

When they arrived the point where the ground had vanished, they hardly believed their own eyes. And that horrible smell? It couldn't be chemicals from the industry, smelling that bad?

On these pics it looks like all the water connects directly to Gal River. There is a tiny passage of land cutting off the inner pond. The Smith's house and the factory near their house had miraclously been saved.

It's difficult to see on these pics, but while the men gazed, the old bridge down there crossing the river, fell down! A delayed effect of the events, meaning the households west of the Gal River were temporarily cut off from town.

Both mines had collapsed, but during the day the dead miners were brought up. Seven locals were killed, amongst them David D. Hill from Maurice Creek (upper Gal District). Also my all time favourite Galuccian, Darling Sculler, was found dead outside the mine - I think she used to bring food up to the workers.

It's also strange how many locals actually died at the time of the catastrophe, totally beyond my control. Fiction meets game randomness meets good or bad luck.

You probably guessed that the poisoned water can't be good for the families living nearest. More about the effects in next update :)

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