
I'm developing Town of Galucca from wasteland to a thriving city. On this blog you can join the journey through 200 years. I'll post weekly on the progress, but you will mostly learn about the progress through the stories of local residents. I think there might be 5 generations to go, let's find out! :)

This is a spin-off blog from my Greench Farm legacy.

All my stories (and more) are now gathered from my new blog, Simmerville's Sims.

26. oktober 2014

Tour of the islands (2 of 2)

[Year count 177]  This is part 2 of the island tour. Please read the previous post first :nod:

So, we're entering the Dragon Passage.

Due to the tall Dragon, and the pretty strong drift here, the water is cooler and the perfect temperature for all kinds of corals - underwaters of course. Another diving area of course, not quite ready yet, but will be a strong experience visually.

Btw, in the distance you see Sunny Fields. Just as we turn right...

When we turn the western end of Ucca Island, we see First Beach over there, and even the volcano. And if you look closely in the front, there is yet another diving area - red number 5! Wowa! This is where old sailors insisted they saw the mermaids. This area is called Dragon's Jaw, I'm not quite sure why, hopefully it has nothing to do with what's waiting down there...

Hey, Altos, open your eyes! Heyyyy!

Turning up east, still Ucca Island on our right hand. There are some nice beaches here, but because they face north, they ae only popular ob very hot days. Besides, First Beach on the mainland is much, much bigger - and more fun.

To the right we have Ucca Beach Dock. It's pretty small, but with a great view into town.

Next we have Mermaid Dock. It's just a silly name, no sailors ever saw a mermaid right here. At least, if they did, they forgot to tell anyone.

A little farther east, you see the little hut and those palm trees. That's Ucca Beach. No docks, just a plain beach. Oh, maybe a mooring post or two.

We do end our tour here, because next stop will be Turmington Dock, and that's where Altos Dipperwell will park his boat.

Thanks for joining! (Was hoping for a Kraken moment along the ride, but no, he didn't show up, maybe he was busy at the newbie diving area...

25. oktober 2014

Tour of the islands (1 of 2)

[Year count 177]  Aaaaaand, we're ready for a tour of Galucca's islands and waters, and waters :) Splitting this in two post as I couldn't stop myself from producing pictures :-)

Here's the map - nothing fancy pansy, and mostly made to help me remembering stuff :-)

The green names are land, the blue is water, and yellow lines show the most busy boat routes. The yellow dots are docks for houseboats, and the orange dots show where there are mooring posts (not really understanding how they work though, so I added them mostly for the "coasty" impression :-)

The red numbers are diving areas - the number is the skill required. Only 3 are done yet, and we'll sink down to just one...

As you can see, the water area is a rather big part of Galucca. Good for the locals now that boats and diving areas have arrived! This little tour will be very simple - we'll go by boat around Ucca Island, going clock wise, starting just before the old Fortress Port that you have seen long ago. Hm... okay, we're starting just above the Island word on the map, heading right (which is of course East)

Our guide is ready! You probably don't know him, but you heard about his folks. His name is Altos Dipperwell, son of the former priest of Church of Similius. Altos believes in those green bars, but he didn't want to become a monk and then a priest. Instead he is now managing the Old Town Market. He lives at Pettonta Heights, neighbour to the Seylouse family.

Hm... a rather foggy morning, we ordered a sunny day, we better wait for that delivery.

Get seated, here we go! On your right hand, you now see Turmington Dock. Long ago Admiral Turmington resided in the blue house on Ucca Island, then his ship rested right here.

It's a pretty fashionable dock, attracting richer locals, housing the finer boats. The houseboat is not private though, it's an exclusive lounge called Club Admiral. There you can eat, drink and relax on the sun deck, and occasionally the boat will leave its dock.

Then, we're passing the old Fortress Port. There is still a subway station, but the tunnel is filled with seawater long ago. Nobody lives out here these days, but with boats that might change.

The white houseboat over there is named Mathilda, but I think it's vacant.

On the second picture above you can just about see the red diving area mark. This is next to the old Fortress Port, and this spot is good for scuba newbies. Red number 2 on map.

This diving area is very plain. Sharks are never seen here, and the area is open and easy to navigate. The 3 rocks are positioned just under the red mark, making it easier for newbies to know where they are. Although the sea life is nothing spectacular (nothing spawned yet doesn't help much either, :-) ) the ground is full of old parts from ships, bottles and mugs thrown out from boats during generations. Quite interesting to new members of the scuba club, to find i.e. a chair with 3 legs.

Next we're passing a very dangerous spot, on the map you will see the red number 8. Several huge underwater rocks make this route quite risky, especially to bigger boats. Over the years many ships sank here. After the fortress moved to Old Town, smugglers would spend the day here in Ucca Bay, where they couldn't be seen from the town, and after dark they sailed up to town - but ack, those rocks stopped most of them! :scared: We're not going down there, we're simply not skilled enough...

On second picture above, you see the Dragon! In old days, Galuccians thought a dragon was resting out there, even when they stopped believing in dragons, nobody sat foot on that steep island.

To be continued in next post...

23. oktober 2014

Fogdale: The mob

[Year count 176]  So, we're back to The Dump! The angry Misty Fogdale is still angry, and her alien daughter Asha is about to become a teenager! Years seem to fly...

This morning Misty went for a walk. she is an Adult by now, a few wrinkles here and there, and maybe her temper did soften a tad. Or did it?

As she walked to the ocean, on the short street going from the Love Garden, south of Expo Café, crossing Galucca Plaza, and then north of Pearlton Estate where the Plaza Kiosk is on your right hand ... (phew, I forgot the street's name, but now you know where you are, right?)... Well, where the street ends, a rather new build has been erected over the years; Galucca Imports. Misty noticed a group standing near the entrance. Galucca Imports is where all imported goods are tested before locals get to buy it. Misty is still unemployed, and becoming a testsim sounded within reach...

But no. Mayor Franklin Barksdale told her that some Pruzzle family was already moving in to test the imports. He didn't say that Misty looked too pink for the job, or that Misty is too poor to meet the standards of this area. After all the neighbours are Pearlton, Brottington and Oonion Farm.

Meanwhile, Asha was in trouble at school, School of Galucca. There ae two schools in town, and this is the school where neither the Mayor nor the Pettontas would send their children, they do select the newer school near Galucca Plaza. Not saying that this school is a bad school, but teachers often find fighting students in the school yard.

Asha often hangs out with Terrill. He lives at Monastery of Similius, and is alien offspring just like her. They both talk with a unique voice, and they both got totally black eyes that the other students find a bit scary.

The guy is Eric Hartman, he is this school's Principal, and Mrs Elle (Huggin) Gnomes who is a teacher.

Misty was on her way to the beaches. She decided to look for bottles and other scrap that she can sell on the flea market just behind Suzi's Heaven.

The Fisherman's Dock is one of two locations where Anglers traditionally had their boats, and Angler's Club (see previous update) is near by. But, Misty continued to Vansant Beach and First Beach.

Pretty quiet, although it's a pretty warm Summer day. She found a towel and tried to relax, but other people thinking she was sun burnt kept annoying her.

Later on Misty was back home at The Dump. Emma Hydront stopped her, talking nonsense about alien twins at the castle. Everyone knew that one alien kid lived with the noble family, not two! Misty and Emma talk nearly everyday. Emma is still unmarried, and lives alone in the Upper Farmland, that is just up the steep road.

Today is Asha's last day of childhood. Misty ordered a cheap vegetarian pizza, and the two of them had a little party in the kitchen.

Ever since Asha started school, Misty has promised her that one day they will go boating on the Dump Pond, and maybe they will even catch the monster living down there. Misty has told the stories of the catastrophe, but it's hard for a child to understand the damages unless a monster was involved.

Misty gave in. When Asha grows up it will be too late to explore the pond. Tonight might be a good time. They used the old rowboat that nobody ever really owns, and in the extremely silent night, they slowely cut through the smelly waters. Here and there gas reached the surface, and Asha enjoyed every minute of it.


Misty hates it when Asha says stuff like that. Her little girl would soon grow up.

Next: Pettonta Castle!

Malone: Under the umbrellas

[Year count 175]  Over at Sunny Fields of Gal District life recently changed. To my surprise Ursa Malone was dead when I stopped by, she was elderly but not very old, I just hope she died a natural ways... there was so much on her mind, you know.

Everet Malone doesn't talk about it, he actually talks about the weather and such instead. When the newspaper is delivered, he might refer the news or the results from Bross Stadium. There are many political changes these days, but he is not interested in the politics, as much as he need the news to cover up the loss of Ursa.

Syrup and Timara had a son, Gilbert, and Timara is pregnant again. She prefer wearing her swimming suit while cooking, but nobody ever accused her for sanity. Everet is more concerned for the sharp knives, the hot stove and the little baby in there...

Timara has of course influenced on most daily matters. She redecorated the dining room with modern wallpapers and new chairs, and she replaced the flower vase with her old after school trophy and the crown she won at prom night.

Gilbert is a cute boy, he loves to play with the flies that occurs when mummy leaves him in the high chair for too long. It's certainly one of the crazy games mummy comes up with.

In the kitchen there is an old photo of Everet and Ursa, taken back when the house was expanded. Ursa had been abroad to assist her sister while Everet and the boys fixed this house. Those were the days...

She even talked Syrup into taking a break from the Flower Market, they hired an assistant instead. Syrup works in the greenhouse everyday, but Timara never helps there. Not that she could have helped much these days anyway. She is in good form, but pretends to sit or walk, not to work in greenhouses.

Today Timara suggested that they went for a walk to the Anglers' Club. It's a rather new location between the beaches and the harbour were Anglers had their resting huts for at least a generation. Now there is an outdoors serving and some games for kids, and many locals go there to admire the sunset.

Syrup would like to invite his brother and his family to join them, they live in the yellow house back there. And you see the red Malone house in the distance. But no, Timara insisted on walking.

Today's overview picture shows how far they need to walk :-). Anyway, it's now confirmed that a stroller moves faster than a pregnant woman.

Btw: You see a blue building out there on the Ucca Island. That's where one of the noble daughters at the Pettonta Castle moved when she married Admiral Thurmington - very long ago. They moved into town, and nobody lived out there ever since. There is a subway station on the island, but the tunnel is filled with seawater. The Council is currently debating to make use of the island, for leisure or science, but they can't decide, it seems.

When they finally reached the Anglers' Club, the sunset had nearly passed. The place is meant for visits during daylight hours, so there is hardly any outdoor lamps. They found a table and Syrup bought them something to drink. He obviously forgot that pregnant women rarely drink beer, and also Timara forgot that it was not quite appropriate.

She noticed Mr Sloth, with his family. He runs the Kiosk at Plaza. Timara heard that the father to their neighbour Mr Peter Huston, was reported missing. He rented a room at a bed & breakfast up in Moon District, and now the old man was nowhere to be found. Peter Huston works with politics and represents Gal District on the Town Council, so he should know what buttons to push to solve the case, if there was any.

Timara and Syrup don't know them, but you might also recognize Milton Moonster's wife and son (Milton was supposed to be there too but ran off just before we arrived). Oh, and elderly Gloria Moonster is also back there, hard to see...

Then, suddenly Timara got up! Walking this far had started the birth!

Oh... kinda wrong place and time, and now everyone would notice the beer on the table... and - push, push... under the umbrellas Timara was giving birth while the other guests flocked to watch!

Jaja, I know she would probably stand there forever unless she was sent home or to the Constant Hope Hospital. Getting help from her colleges (she works at the hospital) was out of the question, so they took a taxi back home. Still, let's pretend Umbrella Malone was born at Anglers' Club, under those umbrellas... :) (ok, maybe they were parasols, but that would have made for an even sillier name :-) )

Her little brother Gilbert looked a bit scared at the new family member, ha!

Closing off this update with waters in the dark. I'm hoping to add boats and boats and boats pretty soonish (Island Paradiso), I think it will be a great match with the coastal area of Galucca :)

Next update: the angry Misty Fogdale of the Dump!

20. oktober 2014

Moonster: Fish Marked

[Year count 173]  Well, the title is kinda not so relevant, because that market is just a small part of this update. Starting with an overview:

[Edit: just noticed it says "von Plumbom" on the picture, it should be "von Plumbob" - although I do like the typo just as much :) ]

The picture is pretty recent, although the Seagull Cottage has been expanded. In front you see how the Moon District houses are built in a circle. It was not planned from the start, I noticed it some time ago. I wonder if it has any tie to the MSW? Not sure...

Very brief on the families: Viggo Kragger is married to Edith (Hydront) and they had a son, Brad. At Seagull Cottage resides Gloria Moonster's tiny family of 3, plus 3 lodgers. This is where the Moon Trail ends. At the Silver house Vespula is elderly but still head of the MSW, they have one adult son. You might recall that Vespula helped Ursa Malone hiding. I don't think you know much about the von Plumbob family, they used to run the Gas & Bus Station, which their only son Rufus just took over, while Marge and Gerard von Plumbob manages the Fish Market at Galucca's harbour. The Old Moonster house is where Gloria grew up, but it has been vacant for seome time now. And finally, you can hardly see the Milton Moonster house back there, it's pretty close to the Maritime Science Facility.

That's a lot of names, let's check on Milton's house!

Both Milton and Yvonne are now Adults, and their son Albrech has become a teenager already! We didn't even get a chance to see him as a child, did we? That's the downside of checking on them only every 10 simdays/years. Albrech's birthday was yesterday, and I don't know him very well yet. He is Workaholic, Hot-headed, Good and Genius - not bad for a rather poor main heir. Milton wants him to follow the Angler traditions - have you already forgotten about your own hesitations, Milton?

Yvonne still works as a cook at Chez Ludmilla, near the Church of Similius. She loves to arrange all kinds of meals including picnics, and there are lots of great waterside locations in the area. Combining fishing with a family picnic would be smart, and although Albrech already knows how to fish, it would be a less pushy way to keep him focused.

And - Yvonne still likes to practice painting, she could bring her easel, too!

But not today, Milton needs to do some research...

He is pretty obsessed with finding the truth about the MSW. He is a member, yes, and the secret association is a well established tradition of the Moon District, where all households did join in. Up to now. At their last meeting the von Plumbob family pulled out, and so did the Kraggers. Mrs Vepsula Silver is eagerly controlling the MSW remainders, but it seems like the group is slowly closing down. If Milton shall ever find the truth he will need to work quickly while there are still alive members around.

Hi suspects that the huge catastrophe 63 years earlier, was caused by the MSW. If so, his own granddad was involved with a crime that killed several locals up in the Old Mines of the Dump. Milton has found a couple spells in the very old Journal of Black Magica that might have been used. There are weird handwritten notes in the book, the spells refer to colours, and the castle... There's one detail confusing Milton; the Pettonta Castle was not damaged during the catastrophe...

Milton's dad, Detch Moonster, is now 106 years old and very weak. He spends most of the day in bed, and Milton tries to make the old man talk about the catastrophe, but spells like this often would require total secrecy, won't they? Will he ever talk about it?

A little later Milton went to First Beach to fish alone while Albrech was at school. There he met his neighbour, Viggo Kragger, and decided to ask him about the Kraggers' involvement with the MSW. Viggo's parents are dead since long, but you might recall his mom, Camille Kragger, being a very strong woman for her time.

But, Viggo Kragger wasn't interested. Either he knows more than he wants to know, or he has no clue. The old guy in the background seems interested, though... who's there listening?

On her way to work at Chez Ludmilla, Yvonne stopped by at the Town Hall. A new election finds place in Galucca every ten years, and recently they got a new Mayor, Franklin Barksdale. Yvonne checked news about town development, she thinks the place needs more fun facilities, like parks and indoor entertainment. Both for fun and hobbies. They got Bono's Gym, Muse Music Hall, a few outdoor cafés with playing grounds, and a couple museums. She learned that local painters are now invited to decorate several of the new locations, and a new Historical Society has been founded.

Now, a stop at the Fish Market! It's not something huge or fancy, naturally Anglers are pretty much down to earth - or water. The market has been there for generations to provide Anglers a place to sell their fish. Milton normally goes there after each fishing session, there is no point in dragging all the fish back home anyway.

Recently 4 small fish pools were built at the market, making it easier to store fresh fish. The market also delivers to The Swordfish seafood restaurant next door. The elderly von Plumbob couple manages it all. That is, Gerhard sits on his chair most of the day, while Marge serves the desk.

It's important that Gerhard von Plumbob knows all the Anglers, in order to know how big deliveries to expect and how often. Albrech will only make one delivery every weekend while he is a student.

After all, he is just a fresh teen, needing to hang out with friends like teens do...

Albrech often go to Wheel of Life, an establishment right behind the Town Hall, not far from Albrech's school. Such a silly name for a pub and game arcade hall, but the old shed used to be a horse wagon business in the old days of Galucca, so they knew how to build a good wheel, for sure. Inside there are also a few decors hinting towards the old horse stable. Horses also got their new shoes right here, but that's all several generations ago as the Spangler Ranch (Gal district) took over all matters involving a horse.

Btw, the white building to the left holds a new Alien Museum on ground floor. After several abductions some years ago, and alien kids being born in Galucca, there was a big focus on the Alien subject. There is even a tiny spaceship in there, and a few related items on display. Albrech has been there with his class.

On the second picture above, you see the Town Hall to the right, and a tiny glimpse of the withe Ellie's Library to the left. Right ahead is Old Town and the old bar Suzi's Heaven is somewhere in there, too.

On a side note; the young women having a beer are Lucky (Hill) Litter facing us, and Maggon Gnomes (Lucky Litter is such a nice name, right?) Lucky is daughter of Magda Fogdale aka "Magda with the boobs", aunt of the angry Misty Fogdale. Lucky married to the artist Christopher Litter (yes, he is the son of the castle cook who was fired by Maria, if you recall them). Maggon Gnomes still lives with her folks at the Dump, she is dating Rufus von Plumbob, and her dad and Albrech's dad are cousins.

Albrech often hangs out with Eve Baruba and Baias Gnomes. Baias is brother of Maggon (previous pic) residing in the Dump, and Eve is adopted daughter of Sallith Gnomes and Tonny Baruba. Baias knows for sure she was adopted because Eve's "mom" Sallith happens to be his aunt, but Eve hardly talks about it. And besides she is cute enough for Albrech and Baias to rivalize a little. Albrech thinks he might even be in love, but maybe Baias does, too? Complicated!

And, Eve doesn't mind getting good attention from them both. Of course not.

Next update: The Malone flower family - now ruled by the insanes :-)

17. oktober 2014

Seylouse: Moderate success

So, we are heading for modern times. In fact, I think new grown ups might even just wear random outfits as long as they look normal. I'll still adjust hairstyles etc according to their DNA and style, though, but mostly for the 5 focus households.

[Year count 170]  We're starting with a recent overview picture, once again a night shot. Anyway, I think the city area looks best at night :-)

Louis Seylouse is head of the factory in front/left, and if you look in the distance, you'll see Pettonta Heights. The house you see is the Dipperwell residence, while the Seylouse family resides a little to the left, right behind the tallest building in town. No wonder Louis' father used to dislike the city area...

Most mornings Louis Seylouse drives down to the factory, that his father once founded. When Louis was a teen, he eagerly longed for the day he would run this business. But, times are changing, there are now many more companies producing paper to the newspaper industry, and well, this market for this kind of paper quality is getting smaller. Seylouse Industries, Inc. did test produce shiny magazine paper, but it got too expensive.

In addition to the many workers, this factory also have a small group of employees that Louis speak to daily. Kenton Sloth, the guy in the background, is supervising the workers. He is son of the guy that used to serve the Kiosk at Plaza. There is also a secretary, Marleen (Heisserclump) Sacroville. Her husband's aunt Yvonne, is married to Milton Moonster.

Business is indeed getting tougher...

Btw, the painting on the wall behind Louis is a portrait of Louis' father, Lodvic Seylouse, painted by the famous artist Cluedo van Hutch. It's not a good portrait, you can hardly tell it's a man in there, but Louis keeps another version back home, that is not good either (but worth a little more).

While Louis is at his office, his wife Meliss (Brugster) Seylouse works in her home based study. She already published two novels, one sold okay'ish for a while, the other was a failure. She is thinking of switching genre, but she always lacked inspiration, will another style be easier?

She had lost the grip, and she was a bit frustrated. She really could need an agent...

Louis and Meliss have 2 children. Anitra is already a teenager, while Dovic is still a child. Anitra's friends have started taking driving lessons, now she is eager to do that, as well.

Dovic is not doing well at school. He is just as smart as his older sister, perhaps something is bothering him at school? One generation earlier, Dovic would be heir to this house as well as the factory, but this is modern times, and more and more families do allow the oldest child main heritage, regardless of gender. Louis will need to see how well they do in school before he decides - of course Meliss might have a tiny word, too...

Then it was finally time for the first driving lesson. Anitra was more eager than nervous, while Louis was - more nervous than eager.

All those distractions along the route. It was a nice hour for them both though, they normally don't spend much time together on their own. Then they hurried back home for a late dinner.

All 4 grandparents died some time ago. Anitra did meet some of them but she was too young to ask those smart questions. It seems like local history might be one of her greatest interests, now I wonder what Andrine & Lodvic Seylouse and Amanda & Dex Brugster would have told her... hmm.

Well, I never actually noticed her hair before, but I'm pretty sure that her granny Amanda M. Brugster had dark hair like Anitra.

After dinner, Meliss had her late night walk to absorb some literal inspiration from this town.

Like so often before, she ended up in a bar. This time she had a glass, or three, at Muse Music Hall. Downstairs a guy was playing the grand piano, but in the bar upstairs she could relax.

Then Meliss noticed the other woman in the bar. Was it not the famous author Mary Sharpender? The bestseller novelist that is a star in SimCity? What was she doing here in Galucca?

Meliss felt even more miserable, only a forth Tropical Lemon Splash could cure that!

Next update: The Moonsters at Moon District!