
I'm developing Town of Galucca from wasteland to a thriving city. On this blog you can join the journey through 200 years. I'll post weekly on the progress, but you will mostly learn about the progress through the stories of local residents. I think there might be 5 generations to go, let's find out! :)

This is a spin-off blog from my Greench Farm legacy.

All my stories (and more) are now gathered from my new blog, Simmerville's Sims.

23. februar 2014

Some planning, triple painter and the Old Town Market

It's quite the job to build up a full world and to populate it! But I love this kind of work, planning, adding, tweaking and making up the history both in advance and along the road. I've tried not to make the story too complex, but still there will be a few details that you won't get to know until revealed by locals in the future.

So, I'm currently having an exciting journey 200 years back in time. I've placed the main households who founded Galucca back then, and also some worker families for the industrial area. From here I'll slowly work my way through time, and (addicted to details, that I am) underway I'll have some local painting artists do some paintings for the future historical gallery/museum.

The house to the left is the home to Maurice Pettonta. He was the youngest son of the founder couple, and he inherited the Gal district (craftsmen's area west of Gal river) and became the head of the mining and industry. He didn't succeed, but more about that later :D

To the right, the portrait painting is on! This is on the lot where I just built what is supposed to be a castle, but because I'm not happy with it, and far from done, I'll save pictures for later. To speed the painting up, I moved in a top skilled painting artist from my sims bin (I've used him in previous projects too, a skilled painter often comes handy), I moved him in not only once, but three times :-)

What a pain those artists can be! Some times their creativity makes a portrait totally useless. Well, he (they) got a few good works eventually). Paintings will be stored in the castle until a museum opens in the future :-) . I also plan an Arts Academy in town, and probably the home of some local painters 150 years ago will start it off, small scale.

I've now completed the work in CAW, and I've started to build houses that were there in the beginning. Skyscrapers in the modern City region will have to wait :-)

Along the way, I keep an eye on the first settler families, and will add a few households as the town grows. This way, many residents will come with family trees of 4-5 generations once the story has reached year zero (now) :D

Project this weekend is the old market near the harbour.

This place can be pretty busy, local craftsmen come to sell their products, and ships from distant towns come here to buy and sell.

On the picture to the right, the noble Pettonta family is visiting the market. They control most of the trades, and the elders are the actual founders of Galucca. Their son (light blue top) just took over the leadership as he inherited the main areas, and married. They reside near Old Town, where the town hall will be built in the future.

The small buildings are along the harbour, but facing north instead of facing the ocean. This way the builds also protects the outdoor area from the chilly winds :D Later on the row of builds will of course face the harbour, can't wait to see the line up of small shops etc.

The builds will be replaced by slightly bigger brick stone builds, I assume the first builds would be wooden as they cut down lots of trees, but 150 years ago or 50 years after the town was founded, the mining activity started, making stones easier available to house building. The market will later become a park and festival grounds.

Ah, all those details, it really makes it interesting to build up a town from scratch :-)

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