At the castle, a few things were modernized, like they had a double garage long ago, there is a high tech computer in the old library, and if you recall the modern blender that the poor cook used my mistake 100 years ago, that blender has already been modern for some time now!
Count Gustav Pettonta is pushing old adult, he is a clumsy daredevil, enjoying scuba diving but not so successfully at it. He is friendly, a computer whiz, and a light sleeper. He works as a politician, and represents the City region on the town council.
Countess Patrica S. Pettonta still works sporadically at Muse Music Hall, but most days she is busy at the castle. She is a virtuoso, and a technophobic kleptomaniac. And she likes it outdoors. She is still hardly ever seen in a dress, but the population of Galucca has grown used to it by now.
The Count and Countess have two children, Lady Coralyn is the oldest, teen, and Baron Brunato is still just a kid. In the general Galucca oldest child is normally the main heir, but at the castle it still takes a real Baron to make a Count.
Fernando 1-58 still resides at the castle. He is still working on his secret plans, I think it might be about 10 years more until he should reach the top of the political system in Galucca.
This morning there was a family meeting in the blue room. Blue is Pettonta's signature colour, you know ;)
The main task to discuss is the distant island Magna, discovered by Galucca marines some years ago. Now it was decided that Galucca will deport criminals to Magna Island, because there would be no way for them to escape. There is a little population there already, said to be descendants from 4 couples stranded there long ago. Using their volcanic island for a prison, is of course a secret.
Fernando 1-58 has joined the political career, according to his master plan, but he is not yet on the town council. There will be a new election coming up on year count 200, and Fernando secretly plans to challenge Count Gustav to represent the city region! A battle between them seems the only way.
(In case you are hungry for more - the Magna Island does of course exist, the locals call their island Maccaroni, and there is a blog telling their early story)
Both Gustav and Patrica know that Fernando refers to himself as Master Fernando, so they consequently call him Mister Fernando, to get rid of the silly, self claimed Master title.
Right after the meeting, Countess Patrica had a meeting with a local.
Anitra Seylouse, head of the local Historical Tours, asked their permission to arrange tours at the castle. Patrica was not so happy about it. They are not even short on money, and a bus load with tourists marching into their home was out of the question.
In the library, Count Gustav had called for Fernando. Gustav had just received a letter from the local Space Society. They are a serious group focusing on the many alien questions related to Galucca. some alien expert named Mr. Stew-Fraisser recently released his fresh report, stating that the two alien races, the green race and the blue race, should never meet. If they mix their DNA, the result will be a creature introducing terrible events!
Fernando and all alien descendants of Galucca hails from the green race, but at Magna Island there is said to exist some locals carrying the blue alien DNA.
(Mr. Stew Fraisser actually was a sim in my TS2 hood, and you can read about him fainting at a press conference. Checking out some books he wrote will give you a better understanding of the green & blue problem.
Fernando would like to suggest a Falcon for the Lady, but Lady Coralyn would prefer a parrot. Now, if only Fernando knew someone selling a parrot...
It's getting colder nowadays. There was never real Winter in Galucca, I think, the climate was to warm. But after the catastrophe 88 years earlier, scientists had observed a change, and for some time they had Spring, Summer and Autumn. Everyone waited for the first snow to fall. Will it be anytime soon, or will there be Spring again?
Lady Coralyn thinks she is too old to play with her little brother, but Baron Brunato insists, and occasionally they play tag in the castle garden. But tonight it was way too chilly.
Then Fernando appeared from nowhere. Brunato didn't quite understand - were they all going on vacation?
Fernando could feel the great changes coming. Block A, B, C, D, E and F were all well established. Some local alien descendants had already married regular locals to spread their DNA. And Master Fernando 1-58 himself? He liked Asha Fogdale, but would aim for someone more spectacular. What did Gustav just tell him? There are blue aliens at Magna Island? How spectacular would that not be, if he found a blue woman at the island? Fernando had always seen himself as the master of this all, but right now he realized that he would only be preparing ground for the real Master - his own blue & green son!
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