
I'm developing Town of Galucca from wasteland to a thriving city. On this blog you can join the journey through 200 years. I'll post weekly on the progress, but you will mostly learn about the progress through the stories of local residents. I think there might be 5 generations to go, let's find out! :)

This is a spin-off blog from my Greench Farm legacy.

All my stories (and more) are now gathered from my new blog, Simmerville's Sims.

26. mai 2014

The Church of Similius

[Year count 100] In a previous post I mentioned the Church of Simulius.

Just before 100ya, a little family of 3 arrived Galucca. Ada & Edmondius Dipperwell, with their toddler son, Nikodemus. Everyone noticed they looked different, but they seemed to be good people. The Dipperwells hailed from a spiritual group called Church of Similius. This group's beliefs had recently spread rapidly.

Edmondius was sent to Galucca as a priest, to secure establishment of Church of Similius here. He had the Pettonta's accept to build a little church next to the old cemetery. But Edmondius wanted a bigger church, and his timing could not have been better; the Cemetery conflict was real hot (see previous update). Count Gustavian's protests trigged the Aristocracy to support Edmondius' plans, even financially. The current church looks a bit blocky and will be adjusted, but I'm happy with the inside!

In the beginning locals hardly visited the services, but the support slowly increased. It simply felt good to believe in a life mostly in the green.

A little more about the Church of Similius. It was founded on the idea that when bars are more than half full, there shall be peace and no wars. The belief was rather based on natural needs and logics, focusing mostly on living a simple life. Instead of a god, they focused on the colour bright green, which symbolized satisfaction. Examples of their belief: Owning less but enjoying what you've got, consuming less but enjoying it the more, eating just in order to stay in the green. And so on.

Church of Similus (by the Pettontas satirically called "Church of Simoleons"), is filled with symbols, like the red and green lights indicating that green can not exist without the red. On the second picture above, little Nikodemus, now a kid, inspects the valuable ruin from the very first Church of Similius. All new establishments bring a fragment of the original church, from far away.

Ada, Edmondius' wife, serves the Church of Similius Gift Shop, just to your left when you enter the building. On this picture Farmer Hendric von Salamand is buying some gift for his wife, Lady Dora. Or perhaps for another woman, even, who knows what's on a Farmer's mind?

When Ada married to Edmondius, she accepted to wear simpleness. All females teen and up do carry a green cloth as a green symbol above her head. The men have a similar routine, but only the priests carry a nifty hat like Edmondius does.

Disclaimer: The Church of Similius is not meant to offend anyone, and whatever is said about belief or the sims involved, is not meant to draw lines to any known religion. Just needed something new and big to make the Count and his castle smaller :)

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