
I'm developing Town of Galucca from wasteland to a thriving city. On this blog you can join the journey through 200 years. I'll post weekly on the progress, but you will mostly learn about the progress through the stories of local residents. I think there might be 5 generations to go, let's find out! :)

This is a spin-off blog from my Greench Farm legacy.

All my stories (and more) are now gathered from my new blog, Simmerville's Sims.

27. april 2014

Pettonta Castle, status

[year count: 100]

I realize we need to check on the honorable Pettonta family every now and then to keep up with their lives. They are also a natural spot for general community news.

Latest news: Count Jonathan Pettonta is dead!

I wasn't expecting his death this soon, but he was elderly (more about him here) - and yes, people lived shorter lives back then...

First some general updates on Galucca, 100ya! Galucca has become a thriving community. Most families have moved to bigger houses just outside Old Town. This gives more central builds for growing businesses, as well as new residents can hire a room or two. Businesses do benefit more from the harbour. These days Old Town is even expanded with the surrounding 7 lots (not quite ready buildwise, but soon ), including Town Hall. These new lots will not really be referred to as Old Town in the future, though. You can also pretend that the harbour has been extended to meet the increased activity.

The old Mine Road has been important for transports between Old Town to the Mines. The distance from Town Hall to Pettonta Castle has now been renamed Pettonta Drive.

It's already been 30 years since Baron Gustavian Pettonta inherited the main parts of Galucca. Some land has been sold in order to make alliances and to expand. His sister, Lady Dora, was married to (or handed over to) Hendric von Salamand, it was the way Count Jonathan could returned a favor of the past. I felt sorry for Lady Dora, because she hates the outdoors, and now they run the largest farm of the entire Farmland District.

So how about Baron Gustavian and his evil Baroness, Maria? They had 1 son Junato and 2 daughters Ronda and Helena. Junato and Ronda are both teenagers, while Helena is about to start school. Their live-in painter, Emanuel Litter, is now quite old, and Baroness Maria got very upset when the family portrait painted in the library looked like a freak show act. They gave him another chance, and Baron Gustavian insisted on keeping the painting, mostly to save the old man from total humiliation. Maria has heard about photography, and suggested they no longer need a live-in painter.

Gustavian and Maria is a strange couple, both working for perfectionism, but by different goals and methods. They quarrel quite often and avoid being in the same room when the youngest kids are around.

Besides being a workaholic, Gustavian also has military ambitions and already built a fortress on Ucca island, under the command of Admiral Turmington. Countess Maria is not at all popular among the residents, she made few friends and it is said that she steals from the poor industrial workers. Go figure...

Maria has rearranged the Blue Room, the meetings now take place in the western tower, while the chess tournaments take place right outside. Head of the castle (Count or Baron) leads these meetings (however, Gustavian is a bit clumsy with words, is that why Maria seems to speak most of the time?). Maximum 4 family members can join. Although there is one empty chair, Ronda is not accepted because she is female not yet grown up. (Yes, of course there are more rules, don't you think I like rules, or what? :P )

Today a young woman wanted to see head of the house. They have no butler, so Baroness Maria greeted young Patricia Sculler. She applied for the Cook job! I imagine Patricia had often seen the castle up on the hill, wondering how life could be up there. She is one of 5 kids raised in a Sculptor's house in Crafters Hood of Gal District. She claimed she knows a little cooking, but truth is she only have a couple skill points in fishing... Due to the poor relation between Maria and Gustavian, Maria hesitates hiring a young woman, but seeing Patricia's terrible looks, Maria accepted the application immediately. There is no chance Gustavian will ever flirt with such an ugly face...
Patricia will sleep in the eastern tower, but plans to sneak down into the library at night to read up. Hopefully she will have time to learn some cooking before the next big party is coming up.

But Patricia is up for a surprise! Now that Count Jonathan died (he is already buried), the ritual for instating the next Count (and Countess) is up in a couple days! Gustavian has already been head of the castle for a while, but the formal ceremony is still very important, followed by a formal reception with many hungry guests here at Pettonta Castle!

I'm now done building the lacking small homes in the lower Farmland District, to be posted next! I wish every day had minimum 48 hrs... (if it had, I'd probably just double my projects... )

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