
I'm developing Town of Galucca from wasteland to a thriving city. On this blog you can join the journey through 200 years. I'll post weekly on the progress, but you will mostly learn about the progress through the stories of local residents. I think there might be 5 generations to go, let's find out! :)

This is a spin-off blog from my Greench Farm legacy.

All my stories (and more) are now gathered from my new blog, Simmerville's Sims.

24. november 2014

Pettonta Castle: The Stew-Fraisser report

[Year count 198]  Here's the final main update from the Galucca town development. There could of course have been a nice party involving all the 5 households, after all it's pretty close to Galucca's 200 years anniversary. But instead, you'll get to learn about broader matters, a huge problem that might damage the entire SimNation.

At the castle, a few things were modernized, like they had a double garage long ago, there is a high tech computer in the old library, and if you recall the modern blender that the poor cook used my mistake 100 years ago, that blender has already been modern for some time now!

Count Gustav Pettonta is pushing old adult, he is a clumsy daredevil, enjoying scuba diving but not so successfully at it. He is friendly, a computer whiz, and a light sleeper. He works as a politician, and represents the City region on the town council.

Countess Patrica S. Pettonta still works sporadically at Muse Music Hall, but most days she is busy at the castle. She is a virtuoso, and a technophobic kleptomaniac. And she likes it outdoors. She is still hardly ever seen in a dress, but the population of Galucca has grown used to it by now.

The Count and Countess have two children, Lady Coralyn is the oldest, teen, and Baron Brunato is still just a kid. In the general Galucca oldest child is normally the main heir, but at the castle it still takes a real Baron to make a Count.

Fernando 1-58 still resides at the castle. He is still working on his secret plans, I think it might be about 10 years more until he should reach the top of the political system in Galucca.

This morning there was a family meeting in the blue room. Blue is Pettonta's signature colour, you know ;)

The main task to discuss is the distant island Magna, discovered by Galucca marines some years ago. Now it was decided that Galucca will deport criminals to Magna Island, because there would be no way for them to escape. There is a little population there already, said to be descendants from 4 couples stranded there long ago. Using their volcanic island for a prison, is of course a secret.

Fernando 1-58 has joined the political career, according to his master plan, but he is not yet on the town council. There will be a new election coming up on year count 200, and Fernando secretly plans to challenge Count Gustav to represent the city region! A battle between them seems the only way.

(In case you are hungry for more - the Magna Island does of course exist, the locals call their island Maccaroni, and there is a blog telling their early story)

Both Gustav and Patrica know that Fernando refers to himself as Master Fernando, so they consequently call him Mister Fernando, to get rid of the silly, self claimed Master title.

Right after the meeting, Countess Patrica had a meeting with a local.

Anitra Seylouse, head of the local Historical Tours, asked their permission to arrange tours at the castle. Patrica was not so happy about it. They are not even short on money, and a bus load with tourists marching into their home was out of the question.

In the library, Count Gustav had called for Fernando. Gustav had just received a letter from the local Space Society. They are a serious group focusing on the many alien questions related to Galucca. some alien expert named Mr. Stew-Fraisser recently released his fresh report, stating that the two alien races, the green race and the blue race, should never meet. If they mix their DNA, the result will be a creature introducing terrible events!

Fernando and all alien descendants of Galucca hails from the green race, but at Magna Island there is said to exist some locals carrying the blue alien DNA.

(Mr. Stew Fraisser actually was a sim in my TS2 hood, and you can read about him fainting at a press conference. Checking out some books he wrote will give you a better understanding of the green & blue problem.

Fernando would like to suggest a Falcon for the Lady, but Lady Coralyn would prefer a parrot. Now, if only Fernando knew someone selling a parrot...

It's getting colder nowadays. There was never real Winter in Galucca, I think, the climate was to warm. But after the catastrophe 88 years earlier, scientists had observed a change, and for some time they had Spring, Summer and Autumn. Everyone waited for the first snow to fall. Will it be anytime soon, or will there be Spring again?

Lady Coralyn thinks she is too old to play with her little brother, but Baron Brunato insists, and occasionally they play tag in the castle garden. But tonight it was way too chilly.

Then Fernando appeared from nowhere. Brunato didn't quite understand - were they all going on vacation?

Fernando could feel the great changes coming. Block A, B, C, D, E and F were all well established. Some local alien descendants had already married regular locals to spread their DNA. And Master Fernando 1-58 himself? He liked Asha Fogdale, but would aim for someone more spectacular. What did Gustav just tell him? There are blue aliens at Magna Island? How spectacular would that not be, if he found a blue woman at the island? Fernando had always seen himself as the master of this all, but right now he realized that he would only be preparing ground for the real Master - his own blue & green son!

22. november 2014

Fogdale: Asha's Mission

[Year count 196]  We are heading for Misty and Asha of the Dump!

Yupp, we have nearly completed 200 years of a town's history, and I'm freaking nervous that I will forget to tie up lots of loose ends, or forget to give you the answers where they are best suited. But hey-ho, it's not that important, is it? Whatever I forget here, Cathrine and Alexander at Seagull Cottage might find out in the future. Find their story here!

The lovely Misty Fogdale has turned elderly! What a total grump, serving spoiled food for breakfast! And Asha is now a young adult. Misty is still short of money, but with poor food servings, they find a way. Asha has not got a job yet, just like Misty did, Asha refuses to work at the factories.

Emma Hydront, living alone up there at Upper Farmland, stopped by to talk with Misty. They are friends, and you might recall how they both were found up at Moon Mountain, obviously left there at the ancient stone henge after abduction. Emma never had kids though, and sometimes Misty wonders how that was possible?

Asha left for the old funfair. It's a location you never got to see before...

Yeah... right, Asha was dating Fernando 1-58, some alien offspring that late Countess Constance once found on the stairs in front of Pettonta Castle. In fact there were two, but one was to be raised elsewhere.

Oh, this location used to be for keeping horses in the past. Mostly used by the Pettontas, but as it's just between the castle and Moon District, it wasn't a good location thanks to the old conflict. The Pettontas never set foot in Moon District. So, Festival Fixers arranged for entertainment her at the old funfair. Nowadays it's a rather quiet hang out off the main track.

Asha is kind of attracted to Fernando. He is too busy with his Master plans though. Tonight there will be a small meeting where he will introduce the F-cell to their mission. He made her stop flirting by telling her that they are probably related, and that the grand Master plan will explain it all.

At the same time that Asha was hugging Fernando, Emma and Misty appeared! Misty hated to go there, but if Emma would pay her some coffee, it would be worth it.

The next second Misty could no longer see Asha and the bald guy. Emma looked rather satisfied from seeing Asha and Fernando together. Hm, hasn't she always talked a lot about the child who grew up at Pettonta Castle? Misty could swear there was something that she didn't quite understand... did Emma actually know Fernando?

Okay, so Asha left the old Funfair. She walked down to the harbour, then visited a café at Old Town, and before she knew it, it was time to attend the meeting at 16 Oceans Street! Next to Uptown Shopping Mill, next entrance...

She saw Tirill Toot-Toot, the monk she had seen many times before (he is of alien origin as well), entering the door over there, and followed. And do notice the green light in that window...

Inside the green room, the attendees were given new outfits, and the secret meeting could begin. They were only 3 members, or in fact, Fernando was their Master, so just Asha and Tirill would form the F-cell of this secret organization.

Fernando told them about his Master plan. Their alien race were to take over Galucca! It would need to take some time, and one strategy was to mix the alien DNA with as many locals as possible! No alien should have alien spouse. Their offspring will form a future society. It would also make the locals less reserved to suggested changes, if they blend well in with the ordinary families.

Asha finally understood why Fernando had turned down her flirting.

Furthermore, Fernando instructed them to search for the top job positions in Galucca. Asha was commanded to apply for Law Enforcement, making her way all to the top within 15 years. Tirill should become the Church of Similius' next Priest. And Fernando himself would become Galucca's Mayor - some day! Anyone standing in their way should be taken care of. When these positions are reached, nothing can stop the alien invation!

Once a quiet, but rapidly growing town. Will this all change in a generation? :(

20. november 2014

Malone: Surprise for Syrup

[Year count 195]  Today we're stopping by at the insane flower makers at Gal District, the Malones!

The man riding the horse is their neighbour Ansgar Spangler from Spangler Ranch, located at Crafters' Hood that is farther up the road. He is 2nd or 3rd generation Horsemen, and although horses were more used in earlier days, Spangler Ranch is well known for raising good horses.

The gray house to the right is home to Politician Peter Huston and his adult daughter, Hanna. The tiny yellow house to the left is a small grapes farm, and the van Hutch family lives there. You might recall Ursa Malone visited them long ago, and Ursa's son Steven Malone married to their daughter Bellamy. Steven and Bellamy have a teen daughter, Ursulla.

Finally, the house in the end of Gal Road is the Malone flower farm.

Both Timara and Syrup Malone are now (old) adults, and Syrup will celebrate his elderly birthday tonight. He doesn't know what his wife has planned, but he is pretty sure there will be something. Why else would she be this interested in when he will get back from the Malone Flower Market? They are not as crazy as before, might be legit to blame that on their age.

Gilbert is their oldest child, soon growing up. Their daughter Umbrella is also a teen. And the youngest, Deidre, is still a toddler.

Timara indeed has a busy day...

She walked over to Onioon Farm, where she grew up. The farm is still active, ran by her sister Danica Onioon and her hubby. Once this was all open farmland, then - long ago - the Council wanted to demolish the old onion farm to expand the city. But massive protests actually saved this piece of Galucca's history. Instead, the farmland surrounding the Onioon Farm was developed. Pretty close is the Equestrian Center and Galucca Imports, Inc. And there are a few nice mansions, too.

Timara left Deidre with Danica's hubby, and they walked off.

Today the Gardening Club finally will visit Seagull Cottage to inspect the black rose that was on everyone's lips some time ago. Timara and Danica met up with Adrietta D. Asterwood, Ann D. Tulitto and Fiffi von P. Garton. The group of garden enthusiasts marched east, to Moon District...

Timara had never been to this place before, but she had heard lots of strange rumours, also som including magic and murders. Not that she is the kind of person who believes in such gossip, but she had to admit she was a little nervous when the old Gloria Moonster appeared on top of her garden stairs.

The old woman wasn't too happy about the visit though. She mentioned that the black rose was ditched some months ago, and then she asked them to leave and walked back inside, slowly.

They had a very quick look around her messy garden, well - on their way out, it was obvious that the old woman no longer was able to keep up with her chores.

Meanwhile at Similus Square, yupp, in front of Church of Similus and the spicy restaurant, Chez Ludmilla, just west of Old Town, Syrup was busy instructing Gilbert.

Gilbert had joined after school, to help at the market for the last few hours. The day when Gilbert proclaimed some interest in running the Flower Market and plant production at home, Syrup had been so relieved. It was all started by Syrup's late dad, Everet Malone, but Syrup never really got the grip. Now that Gilbert is interested, also Syrup is more eager than ever!

The market was reduced in size when the Council decided to add more parking lots, but maybe that was a good thing. When it's more concentrated, customers seems to get a better overview, and there's less walking required.

The policeman is the same who visited the Moonster household some time ago. He has been on the case of numerous persons disappearing from Seagull Cottage, and the case is now getting very old - and still not solved. Limrick Sculler heard about the black rose, and Syrup heard about it too, but everyone knows that fully black roses don't exist, only very dark shades of red, purple, or maroon. Syrup had not even bothered to check out the so-called black rose at Moon District.

They soon closed for the day, and Syrup allowed Gilbert to drive their blue car back home, while he delivered a plant to the Club Admiral at Ucca Island - by boat of course. They had ordered just a potted little plant, so it wasn't too heavy.

But Syrup was up for a nice surprise! Perhaps not the most cheering crowd the world ever saw, but still... ;)

They were of course relatives of Syrup. The elderly man on the right side picture above, is Syrup's younger brother, Steven M. van Hutch. The greenish woman is his wife, Bellamy, and the little bit nervous one is their teen daughter Ursulla who is set to become a painting artist, just like her very famous granddad who founded the local Arts Academy long ago.

The big woman wearing a red jacket is Syrup's cousin, Molly (Swims) Flickerfree. She lives up at Maurice Creek with her little family (who didn't attend this party).

The pregnant one wearing a floral dress (and being best at cheering), is the non-local Minnie who recently married to Syrup's cousin Don Swims - the old guy wearing a red cardigan. Don used to work at his dad's gym, Bono's Gym, you might recall Syrup going there with his parents long ago. Don is getting pretty old, and his wife is a young adult, so I guess she will need to raise some kids alone...

And finally, Timara was rather pleased with the looks of her hubby as an elderly man. They all enjoyed drinks and some stepped outside, as the Club Admiral (which is an old houseboat) took a quick run around Ucca Island.

Next update: the very smiley and nice Misty Fogdale of tha Dump!

[And, if you think I recall all those names just like that - no, I don't ;)]

18. november 2014

Moonster: Homecoming Lady

[Year count 192]  Only 9 years since our latest stop at the Moonster household. Less forced weddings and woohoos around town lately, meaning faster progress on other matters :)

Yvonne and Milton Moonster are still around, and their only son Albrech, has grown up!

Albrech still worries a bit about what shady business his dad is or might have been involved with. He asked mom Yvonne, but she didn't know much. The MSW is no longer active, and the very few former members are getting very old. Albrech knows that if he won't find answers shortly, it might be too late.

But no... Milton was only thinking of fish today. Once a Painter, always an Angler...

They walked down to the Moonster Dock, and when passing Seagull Cottage, it struck Albrech that the house was in need of an upgrade. The fence could need some painting, and most of the window frames, too. And the garden... Gloria Moonster used to keep the garden tip-top, but look at it now... Albrech realized that she was getting too old for it all.

When they stood on the tiny dock, Milton said something that Albrech didn't quite understand. Was the old man talking about the seagulls? The two of them would now spend hours in their little rowboat, there should be a chance for Albrech to discuss some of those matters...

But no... when they arrived the Fish Market on the harbour, Albrech knew just as little as before. The market used to be run by the elderly couple Marge and Gerhard von Plumbob. They are both dead by now, and their son, Rufus von Plumbob, and his wife Maggon (Gnomes) had taken over.

Then Rufus called Milton, and Albrech heard they talked quietly... did they mention Vespula Silver, the old woman who used to lead the MSW? Before Albrech could catch another word, his old friend Baias Gnomes appeared, and ruined it all.

Baias wanted them to go to "Wheel of Life" for a drink. He had news, about Eve Baruba, and himself...

Eve Baruba, long time friend of Albrech and Baias, just had a baby! A non-local man had moved in with her! Albrech had no idea, because Eve worked so hard at her bar, Heaven, that they no longer found time to meet.

And Baias being gay? In a way Albrech was surprised, but well, did it actually matter?

Meanwhile, Milton had walked up to MSW's garden and chapel. Rufus von Plumbob had informed him that a very special painting had been anonymously delivered at Vespula Silver's door. Rufus didn't feel connected with MSW, and didn't attend the little ceremony. But Gloria Moonster was there, and she was quite upset again - this time about a rose in her garden that suddenly turned all black...

The painting was a bad work from the days when Galucca was founded. Most likely it was a portrait of Lady Esphella, the founder of MSW! Yes, the woman who was thrown into the deep well by soldiers from Pettonta Castle, and her urn was already resting here at the chapel.

Vespula Silver is 100 years old, and half her babbling is nonsense. She mostly stay at home at Moon Trail, with her son and his little family.

Outside the chapel, someone had been lurking. A little later, when the ceremony was well over, this someone ran away through the lovely garden. It looks like Fernando 1-58, he just grew up and he still resides with the noble family at Pettonta Castle. Fernando has been working hard, and many back-up plans are unfolding all over Galucca... I think we'll need some bonus update just for this... later...

Oh, the old well to the right is where Lady Esphella was killed long ago, the well is no longer functional and a new one was built on the other side of this garden. The old one is about to be demolished... it will be the very last initiative by old Vespula Silver...

Yvonne has decided to retire from her work at Chez Ludmilla. So, she invited some of her siblings to join her, Milton and Albrech for a spicy meal.

Some new chef already replaced both Yvonne and the Host, but the interior is pretty much the same.

In front you see Yvonne's sister, Marbelle, with her second husband, Priest Arthus Lavendula (Marbelle's first husband was Priest Nikodemus Dipperwell). Marbelle and Nikodemus had 2 children, and she also has 1 son with Arthus.

Back to the right, you see Yvonne's brother Paul Sacroville with his wife Marleen (Heisserclump). They have 2 daughters.

There is also a 3rd sibling, married into the Sloth family, but she wasn't able to attend. All of Yvonne's siblings are way better suited than the Moonsters, so this was quite a generous invite, paying everyone's meal. But you live only once, and Yvonne won't live forever...

Well... as the bistro stove is new in Galucca I took tons of pictures, but you are lucky because I won't post them all ;). Chez Ludmilla is located next to the old cemetery, and all night the "ghost is waking up" tune was playing. I think that slowed down the taking orders and serving, or the new chef was just a bit - new. Anyway, only Yvonne's table was served, then the chef left in a hurry just after midnight. At this time there were about 10 ghosts across the street, quite busy for a 100 years old cemetery...

Next update: the Malone family of Gal District!

16. november 2014

Seylouse: Christmas party

[Year count 190]  There IS weird stuff happening in the shadows, but who's got the time to check out all those shadows? Right now it's Christmas time, and the Seylouse family will be giving a family party tonight!

Meliss is decorating the tree, and Louis is reading the newspaper. In a few he will go with their son Dovic to the family business, Seylouse Industries, Inc. Yupp, the cellulose factory near the harbur.

Election takes place every 10th year in Galucca. Lately new candidates have popped up in nearly all districts, they are all very young adults, and many locals think the new candidates are too young and should wait 10 years. The fact that they are all of green alien origin is less debated. Well, Meliss DID debate it, many times. Didn't she read a sci-fi book about...

Both children of the house are young adults by now. Anitra baked some cookies for tonight's event. She is still very much into local history, something that worries Meliss a little. Will Anitra ever let go of those old books and archives long enough to fall in love with a good husband?

Anitra gives a guided historical tour every month. Today she walked down to the old Tax House, to start the tour. And she didn't notice that 3 persons of alien origin were having a secret meeting in a corridor. Yes, one of them is Fernando, and another is Asha Fogdale!

The Tax House is a rebuild on the location where a small cabin was standing long ago. When farmers and miners brought their goods from the Farmlands down to the harbour of Old Town, they had to pass the Tax House. It's located vis á vis Bross Stadium, and Pettonta Castle is right up the road.

The huge obelisk was a gift from some Duke, long ago. It is located next to Love Garden, and the white build to the left is Galucca's first shopping mall.

And we all know the Old Market by now, right? It was one of the first community locations, in use from the start. Then a fire destroyed most of the old huts, only the bit seen back there to the right was saved. This park hosts seasonal festivals. That is, the content doesn't change a lot, as Galucca's climate is very stabile. Up to now. Few years ago the big volcano moved a little, and now the temperatures seem to fall. Scientists think the area is getting a colder climate, but they don't know for sure.

Yeah, Anitra is really into this :) I always liked this green house, it's where the first Dipperwell household resided, while the church was built near by. Now there is a new residence built for the current priest. A nice house owned by the Church of Similius, and not by the priest himself. Not pictured though...

Meanwhile, Louis and Dovic visited the family business. Seylouse Industries, Inc. was founded by Louis' dad, Lodvic Seylouse. It will soon be time to hand it all over to Dovic. He is not appropriately dressed, but Louis thinks he will catch up with standards soon. Dovic is Inappropriate, Eccentric Kleptomaniac, but also Good and Friendly. Might be hard to him to pass on the traditions, though.

After the work session, Louis and Dovic went Scuba diving in Gal River. It's a semi dangerous spot, and none of them are very skilled yet. Other divers have talked about the sunken bridge, some thinks there might be values buried there, something valuable passing the bridge the moment the ground moved and the bridge fell down. The great catastrophe 80 years earlier (90ya).

Finally, the family party was on! Louis' sister Chloe (Seylouse) Turmington, her husband Gust Turmington (managing Arts Academy), and their 2 children Lotus (blond guy, he is obviously gay but he might not know it yet) and Richelle. Richelle is the blond girl, and she is also known as the shooting pop star, Diva Doll. If you wonder why both Lotus and Richelle are blond, while none of their parents are: Gust's mother was blond, Lady Ronda, born at Pettonta Castle.

I don't know if the turkey was yummy or not, Meliss is no good in the kitchen, and the maid probably did not touch the food. And Anitra was guiding all day, so she could not help. Must have been ordered from a restaurant then, after all Meliss is well acquainted with most of the local restaurants.

Finally they could all admire the decorated tree :)

It might sound like there is a minor conflict between Anitra and her mom Meliss. And there is, but I don't think it's too deep. Meliss is just eager to see her daughter well married. Not necessary wealthy, but at least happy. Anitra is in no hurry though, and rightfully stated that pimping a dead tree might be even more waste of time than to tell Galucca's history to a group of curious people.

PS: If you wonder if Meliss had a bestseller by now, the answer is still a fat NO!

Next update will be from Moon District :)